Etiquette Policy

Unspoken but customary dance etiquette & decorum of the studio. If you are new to the dance scene, please have a read through the below and familiarise yourself with customary dance etiquette of the studio/ social dance floor.

Etiquette Policy



On arrival, please check-in to your class with your trainer.

All participants must be ready to leave the studio with their belongings punctually at the end of the class to ensure the smooth running of our schedule.

In all partnerwork classes, rotation occurs and it’s a mandatory process. We request that all participants rotate as instructed by the class lead.  If you are interested in only dancing with your significant other, you should enquire about our private lesson packages which can offer more exclusive coaching as you prefer.

You may be required to move up/ down a level if the teacher does not think you are of the appropriate level for the class being taught. Please do not take this personally, but we aim to keep the levels appropriate and consistent for those in attendance to ensure progression and the best learning environment is offered, as well as ensure the health and safety of our students. If you are new to our school and unsure of your level, speak to one of our instructors who will ensure you are placed in the correct class level.

Ensure that personal items are kept to the side of the studio/ in a locker out of the way so as not to impede the space for dancing and to avoid trip hazards.

Often our classes are filmed or photographed, and the content used for social media marketing/ advertising promotional materials. If you are uncomfortable being on film, please do let our cameraman know, so that he/ she can respectfully keep you out of frame.

Please avoid using dangerous, disruptive or offensive behaviour; inappropriate clothing likely to cause injury; any apparent use of alcohol or drugs abuse whilst on site.

We will not tolerate any form of prejudice or racial slander

Esencia Libre is committed to fostering, cultivating and preserving a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion.

All those that are associated with our school have a responsibility to treat others with dignity and respect at all times.

Health & Hygiene:

  • If you are feeling unwell please do not attend the class.
  • Please sanitise hands regularly in between classes.
  • Masks are no longer mandatory & you will not be asked to wear a mask in class. Whether you choose to or not, please remain respectful to each other.
  • Please be sure to maintain personal hygiene and be considerate of those in the class. If you need to bring an extra change of t-shirt/ some additional deodorant, breath mints, please do carry these on you.
Etiquette Policy


Feeling unwell, best to skip on the social. So much social contact is made as people switch from person to person throughout the evening. If you are feeling unwell, please avoid attending social engagements and passing on germs. 

Maintain personal hygiene and be considerate of those around you.  Bring an extra change of t-shirt/ shirt/ some additional deodorant, breath mints etc. as needed.

Often wet wipes/ small sweet towels/ face cloths are used (particularly by the men) to keep fresh in between dances. Dance is a physical activity and it’s easy to break a sweat if you’re on the dance floor for extended periods of time.  It is acceptable to bring with you a small toweling face cloth to use to wipe your face down. Most guys keep these in their back pockets for socials. 

Shoes, using appropriate dance shoes, keeps your dance partners feet safe during partnerwork.

Politely asking someone to dance – not just dragging them onto the dance floor, and keeping a smile on your face throughout.  Connection is everything!

Being kind to someone who is a lower level than you and not declining dances as you improve, remembering that we all started out as beginners and that we only progress by dancing socially and with someone that challenges you. 

Avoid dips & tricks or “crazy moves” that you’ve learnt at events/ workshops on the social dance floor. These should be saved for the stage, to avoid injury to your partner or danger to those that surround you on the dance floor.