la style salsa on1

Salsa On1, also sometimes known as LA Style, focuses on the down beats, so understanding timing tends to be a bit easier when first learning

About The Dance

This timing style is a great choice for beginners and most commonly danced world wide. Salsa On1, also sometimes known as LA Style, focuses on the down beats, so understanding timing tends to be a bit easier when first learning. Developed by the Vazquez brothers in Los Angeles, it is more of a linear dance and is a bit flashier with long pauses, tricks and dramatic accents. Nowadays, it’s rarely danced with its characteristic aesthetic that it became known for, but is still the most commonly danced timing globally. There is also a style/ timing called On2 salsa, commonly known as New York style salsa and can be a bit harder to learn in the beginning, so we recommend starting here and working your way towards that. You can read more about that here if you wish.

All our dance classes are split into 2 sections, footwork (shines) and partnerwork.
In the footwork section, we work on a series of steps without a partner, where we develop coordination, balance, control, understanding of timing, weight shifting and transfer, body position and posture and deepen our understanding of the foundations before partnering up. If one cannot dance on their own; surely one cannot dance well with a partner.

Shines are also an important part of social dancing that should be developed. In the earlier stages of your dance journey, shines classes will cover syllabus and foundation technique that will help you grow as a dancer; but as the levels advance, we start exploring expression of music and movement, changing rhythms and pace, finding your own flow and fluidity within the steps amongst other things.

For the partnerwork portion of the class, again it’s subjective to the level of class being taken. Earlier classes start with base partnerwork techniques; developing connection, posture, frame and understanding of how to lead/ follow your partner with whom you are dancing. As the levels increase from beg – adv, complexity and difficulty in repertoire is explored and taught along with the relevant techniques.

We have different levels of classes for our “On 1 Class” which you can explore in more detail below, deciding what is best for you.

What To Expect

class level

Take it to the next level, increasing repertoire and difficulty within footwork and partnerwork patterns for social dancing. Suitable for anyone dancing for 2+ years.

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